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Living in a healthy green environment

Houseplants not only provide decoration in your home, but also contribute to a healthier indoor climate. Particularly in the winter months, when we spend up to 95 per cent of our time indoors, creating a sense of well-being is key. As well as carefully choosing the plants in your home and grouping them together, their care is also highly important. You want your indoor garden to go on giving you pleasure for as long as possible.


Strengthening your houseplants with Effective Microorganisms

To strengthen your plants naturally, you should regularly add Urban Jungle to the water (10 ml per litre of water). Thanks to Effective Microorganisms and carefully selected plant extracts, this Multikraft product supports healthy root growth and ensures the efficient uptake of nutrients via the roots. Urban Jungle boosts the plants’ natural defences and also supports regeneration in the event of deficiencies. In addition to the Urban Jungle concentrate for watering, there is also the practical Urban Jungle spray solution. This promotes strong leaves and good chlorophyll production and, because of its special composition, also helps to keep plants clean and dust-free, which gives the leaves a natural shine. This makes it easy to create a miniature jungle within your own four walls.


Magic Orchidee ist die ultimative Lösung, um Ihre Orchideen in voller Blüte erstrahlen zu lassen. Die speziell entwickelte Gießzusatz- und Sprühlösung ist ein wahres Wundermittel für Orchideenliebhaber.

Was macht Magic Orchidee so besonders?

Magic Orchidee ist ein reines Mikroorganismen-Produkt: Die Formel von Magic Orchidee basiert auf natürlichen Mikroorganismen, die sanft die Wurzeln Ihrer Orchideen unterstützen und ihre natürlichen Abwehrkräfte stärken.

Hibiskusblüten-Fermentation: Die zartrosarote Farbe von Magic Orchidee kommt von der echten Hibiskublüte, die im einzigartigen Fermentationsprozess verwendet wird. Diese Blume verleiht dem Produkt nicht nur seine Farbe, sondern auch wichtige Nährstoffe für Ihre Orchideen.

Verabschieden Sie sich von müden, traurigen Orchideen. Verwöhnen Sie Ihre Pflanzen mit Magic Orchidee und sehen Sie, wie sie in voller Pracht erblühen.

Magic Orchid
0.5 l bottle €17.70

Drei Tipps, die Ihren Orchideen den Glamour verleihen, den sie verdienen:

  1. Zauberhaftes Gießen: Orchideen sind keine Wasserratten. Lassen Sie das Substrat leicht antrocknen, bevor Sie mit dem Gießzusatz Magic Orchidee (idealerweise als Tauchbad) nachzaubern. Und bitte, kein Wurzel-Wellenreiten im Untersetzer!

  2. Licht und Chill-Out-Zone: Orchideen mögen es zwar hell, aber keinen Sonnenbrand! Stellen Sie sie an ein Fenster mit indirektem Licht. Tagsüber in der Wärme, nachts ein bisschen Abkühlung – das bringt ihre Blüten in Stimmung.

  3. Tropisches Flair: Orchideen träumen von Dschungel-Feeling. Erhöhen Sie die Luftfeuchtig- keit, indem Sie eine Wasserschale in der Nähe platzieren und für eine reiche, langanhaltende Blütenpracht die Blätter zweimal pro Woche mit Magic Orchidee besprühen. Und ab und zu ein bisschen Orchideen-Snack (Dünger) verleiht ihnen den nötigen Pep!

FAQ: How often should I water my houseplants?

There is no simple answer to this question. It’s not possible to say “half a litre of water once a week”. Why is that? Because plants have different “roots”. Plants which come from dry regions, such as cacti and succulents, need very little water. But others, like the popular Monstera, come from rainy tropical zones and require more frequent watering. There are many nuances in between these two extremes, so there are also many opportunities to do the wrong thing. Most houseplants do not dry out. The tendency is to overwater them, which can lead to permanently wet soil and root rot.

Therefore, you should find out in advance how to water your particular plant. Lighting, temperature and ambient humidity also play a role. Very few plants like permanently wet soil. You can prevent this from happening by using a pot with a drainage hole and putting a layer of gravel in the bottom. Before you water your plants, press the soil with your finger to see if it is dry and needs watering.

There is no simple answer to this question. It’s not possible to say “half a litre of water once a week”. Why is that? Because plants have different “roots”. Plants which come from dry regions, such as cacti and succulents, need very little water. But others, like the popular Monstera, come from rainy tropical zones and require more frequent watering. There are many nuances in between these two extremes, so there are also many opportunities to do the wrong thing. Most houseplants do not dry out. The tendency is to overwater them, which can lead to permanently wet soil and root rot.

Therefore, you should find out in advance how to water your particular plant. Lighting, temperature and ambient humidity also play a role. Very few plants like permanently wet soil. You can prevent this from happening by using a pot with a drainage hole and putting a layer of gravel in the bottom. Before you water your plants, press the soil with your finger to see if it is dry and needs watering.

Our tip for extending the life of your cut flowers

Cut flowers and bouquets often do not last for very long. They usually start to wilt after only a few days in the vase. Multikraft EM grey ceramic pipes will keep your cut flowers fresh for longer.
